I’m very happy to have new sculptural work in the group show of female artists curated by Sophie Vander of Curatorial and Co.
I’ve been developing a group of limited edition sculptural works in translucent and opaque acrylic and glue, playing with the interaction of colour, shape and light.
The perspex sculptures reference my exploration and research into the engagement and overlap of colour. Reflections of thrown colour move with light throughout the day and adjust the perceived shapes of the pieces.
Opacity and translucency, rhythm and movement coexist with our interlocking and repeating relationships, joined, fragile and complimentary.
Catalogue here
O P E N I N G R E C E P T I O N 2 - 5 P M S A T U R D A Y 2 0 O C T O B E R
S A T U R D A Y A F T E R N O O N D R I N K S 3 - 5 P M 2 7 O C T O B E R
There is a human tendency, when chaos or uncertainty ensues, to create an approximation of reality, a façade, an air of order when the truth is quite different. Art then may act as a semblance of reality in order to deflect us from our own certainty. SEMBLANCE show is a collection of vibrant works that draw from the everyday, where varying artistic perspectives guide us into alternate realms, and where spaces, objects and nature take on alternate meaning. Curated by Sophie Vander of Curatorial+Co. SEMBLANCE brings together seven artists, working in a variety of medium, who take everyday forms and imagery, and turn them into objects of desire, thought and the unexpected.